【つぼ万アトマエコノミー 必携ダイヤモンド砥石 #140/400/600/1,200/フライスアルミ台 +伊豫さゞれ+保守の知恵 プロトタイプ特殊電着[Japanese Tsuboman electrodeposition diamond whetstone #140 grit]】

販売価格 price:¥1,820〜¥7,540
★5.00 (1件のレビュー)

The best of the best!
2018年07月05日 15:00:46
It's expensive, but quality is exceptional, worth every penny. I'm using this Atoma stone to flattening my japanese whetstones (artifitional ones, 1000...3000 grit), and it works like a magic. Highly recommended! Pay once, cry once, and will not regret it, believe me :) Just remember - when you are flattening your whetstones, they must be very wet, and your Atoma plate must be wet, too.

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